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Simple Bristlebot Projects

Bristlebots are fun and simple to make, using toothbrush heads, or other types of brush, and a handful of inexpensive electronic components. The motors are all safe to use for school students of all ages.

Here is our video explainer that shows you how easy it is to make one of these enjoyable little gizmos:

Parts list (see products below the videos):

5100 - vibrating motor

5105 - vibrating motor - pancake motor - very controllable for younger students

5103 - vibrating motor (15mm body) - quite powerful - you may need to use a stabiliser/outrigger with this

6432 - 1.5v small battery

6433 - 3v larger battery

Other parts needed:

1 toothbrush

1 small piece of double-sided tape

1 small piece of sellotape


Here are a couple of easy-to-follow YouTube videos that demonstrate how to make other basic types of bristlebot. Our products that are equivalent to those used in the videos are shown below.

Note: There are two types of pager motor shown in our products below. The smaller one should be powerful enough for this bristlebot.

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